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Social Art Direction / Selected work

She started directing social art project PAS, through Studio Yee in 2012, inviting different artist  to collaborate. They worked hand by hand as a social actor through social sculpture and  collective murals at vulnerable areas of violence in different states in México, reaching 61 interventions . 


Paz Yee has named herself an action device and from performativity she implements the activation of communities. This social project is based on the concept of social sculpture.

These intervention have been supported by institution such a Compartamos Banco, Fundación Hogares, Instituto del Fondo  de la Vivienda, SEDATU, Fundación Banorte, Comisionado deSeguridad Pública del estado de Jalisco and Secretaría de Desarrollo Social  in México city and Cebra. But mainly due to the communities of each place and the different artists participating in the project.

México City

Los Cabos Baja California Sur 

Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche 

México City

San Francisco del Mar Oaxaca

(Istmo de Tehuantepec)

San Diego Linares, Estado de México

México City

Mexico City

Córdoba Veracruz

Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche 

Mexico City

México City

Tapachula, Chiapas

México City

San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí

Guadalajara, Jalisco

México City

Acapulco, Guerrero 

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